<aside> ℹ️ Full App Redesign: Strategy, UX, and UI


1. Introduction


The idea of Tribe was born in an innovation workshop at Stanford in late 2016, the project kicked off in 2019, and by 2020 it was a backed venture. – The company would later define itself as is a video-first communication service focused on bringing presence and closeness within remote teams to recover the spontaneity and serendipity lost since WFM became the norm.

Problem Statement

By Q3-2020, Tribe was looking to strengthen its statement and create clear differentiators from similar solutions – We chose Presence as the core proposition. Then, we faced two options: to continue with the current design statement or create an entirely new approach; we went the latter.

Main Goals

Users and Audience

Tribe's research identified two personas; Bosses and Employees.



Global Pain Points